Yvonne Oiye’s SOLVER Story

What drives me to serve the nonprofit community

I had a privileged childhood growing up. Unfortunately, this all changed when my father died when I was 17. My mother tried to hold things in place for us but a couple of years later she sunk into full depression, and I suddenly found myself out of school and a mother to my siblings. We lost everything. As hard as things were at the time, my whole community rallied around us, and I was able to obtain a part-time job that enabled me to pay my university fees and support my family. It took me seven years to complete my degree. I realized opportunities had come my way because I had been a top student, and this increased my passion for education. I realized a good education can open doors, and the coming together of my community saved not only me but my entire family.

I have always been passionate about giving back and bettering the lives of others — especially through education. I have worked as a Human Resource professional in the education sector as well as with international NGOs, so working with Allegiant Global Partners was the next piece of my puzzle. I have seen the progress that international NGOs have made in my community, and I am happy to work for an organization that supports their work, alongside a group of people who genuinely want to make a difference in the lives of others.


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